PORTC &= 0xfb; /* /CS is low */
SPDR = byteword; /* put the byte into data register */
while(!(SPSR & 0x80)); /* wait for /DRDY to go low */
PORTC |= 0x4; /* /CS high */
Read(int amount, int reglength)
int q;
SPCR = 0x3f;
SPCR = 0x7f; /* clear the interrupt */
DDRD = 0x10; /* MOSI output, MISO input, SCK output */
while(PORTC & 0x10); /* wait for /DRDY to go low */
PORTC & 0xfb ; /* /CS is low */
SPDR = 0;
while(!(SPSR & 0x80)); /* wait until port ready before reading */
*datapointer++=SPDR; /* read SPDR into store array via datapointer */
PORTC|=4; /* /CS is high */
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