s3R-IC for Optical Fiber Cimmunication Receiver
The CXB1561Q-Y achieves the 3R optical-fiber
cimmunication receiver functions (Reshaping,
Regenerating and Retiming) on a single chip using
with a SAW filter.
32 pin QFP (Ceramic)
• 3R-IC with a built-in post-amplifier
(SAW filter system)
• Signal interruption alarm output
• Data shutdown function for signal interruption
• Timing phase can be fine adjusted
• Delay length for edge detector (differentiator) can
be selected
• Single 5V power supply
Absolute Maximum Ratings
• Supply voltage
VCC – VEE –0.3 to +7.0 V
• Operating case temperature
–55 to +125 °C
• Storage temperatureTstg
–65 to +150 °C
• Output current (surge current)
0 to 50 (100) mA
• D/D input current IID
–200 to +400 µA
• SC/SC input current IIC
–100 to +400 µA
• S1/S2 input voltage VIS VCC to VEE + 1.2 V
Recommended Operating Conditions
• Supply voltage
VCC – VEE 5.0 ± 0.5
• Operating case temperature
–40 to +85 °C
Bipolar silicon monolithic IC
• SONET: 622.08Mbps, 155.52Mbps
• Fiber channel: 531.25Mbps, 265.625Mbp
• Clock multiplication: X2, X4
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