Rev. 1.03
3D-RAM (M5M410092B)
Pixel Buffer
The Pixel Buffer is a 2048-bit SRAM organized
into eight 256-bit blocks, as seen in Figure 1.3,
and functions as a level-one write-back pixel
cache. It has a 256-bit read/write port, a 32-bit
read port, and a 32-bit write port. Referring to
Figure 1.6, the 256-bit read/write port is
connected to the Global Bus via a Write Buffer,
and the two 32-bit ports are connected to the Pixel
ALU and the pixel data pins. All three ports can be
used simultaneously as long as the same memory
cell is not accessed. If the two 32-bit ports access
the same cell, the write operation will be
successful but the read data will be undefined.
A 1-bit Dirty Tag bit is assigned to each byte data
in the Pixel Buffer. Therefore, each block in the
Pixel Buffer is associated with a 32-bit Dirty Tag in
the dual-port Dirty Tag RAM. When a block is
transferred from the sense amplifiers to the Pixel
Buffer through the 256-bit port, the corresponding
32-bit Dirty Tag is cleared. When a block is
transferred from the Pixel Buffer to a DRAM bank,
the Dirty Tag determines which bytes are actually
written. This feature can save as much as 50% of
the power consumed by a 256-bit block write
operation without the Dirty Tag.
The cache set associativity is determined external
to the 3D-RAM, thereby permitting optimal cache
design tailored to the particular graphics system.
Video Buffers
Each video buffer receives 640-bit data at a time
from one of the two DRAM banks connected to it.
(The reader is reminded of the 3D-RAM block
diagram in Figure 1.2.) sixteen bits of data are
shifted out onto the video data pins every video
clock cycle at 14-ns rate. It takes 40 video clocks
to shift all data out of a video buffer. The video
counter counts modulo 40 and toggles the buffer
select line when the count wraps around to 0.
These two video buffers can be alternated to
provide a seamless stream of video data.
80 bytes
Video Buffer (40 x 16 bits)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DRAM_A[8..0]
Selecting one of the
sixteen 80-byte scan
lines from the page
Video Data Out
Other functions
Figure 1.5 Video transfer from a DRAM page to the Video Buffer