Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chip Errata
DSP56366 Digital Signal Processor
Errata Description
Description (added 8/10/98):
to Mask
Enabling any DMA channel by software for transferring a block of data (TM=011
in the channel control register) might not work properly.
Triggering of a channel for block transfer by software can be replaced by triggering
of the DMA channel for block transfer by a peripheral (e.g. Timer, SCI etc.) that is
not used while the block of data should be transferred by DMA. This can be done as
1. Set the DSR, DDR and DCO registers of the DMA channel according to the
application case.
2. Transfer mode of the DMA channel (in the DCR register) should be set to TM =
000 or TM = 100 (See Section, 563xx UM).
3. DMA Request Source of the DMA channel should be set according to the chosen
peripheral, which should trigger the DMA channel (see Section 56300 UM
and "DMA Request Sources" Table in the CORE CONFIGURATION item of the
563xx UM).
4. All others fields of the DCR register, except the DE bit, should be set according
to the application case.
5. Configure the peripheral to assert its DMA request line;
6. Set DE bit of the DCR register.
Example 1:
Assuming that the SCI is not used while the block of #DCO3 words is transferred
by DMA channel 3, the SCI Transmit Data (TDRE = 1, DRS[4:0] = 01111) trigger
can be used instead of a software trigger for channel 3.
1. Initialize DMA channel registers
movep #DSR3,x:M_DSR3
movep #DDR3,x:M_DDR3
movep #DCO3,x:M_DCO3
bset #0,x:M_PCRE
Now when the DMA channel is enabled, a transfer of the block begins.
DSP56366 Errata
1997 -2001, Motorola
For Mor3e66ICnfEo2rJm26aDt_io0n_0On This Product,
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