Control function commands may be issued which instruct the DS2438 to perform a temperature
measurement or battery voltage A/D conversion. The result of these measurements will be placed in the
DS2438’s memory map, and may be read by issuing a memory function command which reads the
contents of the temperature and voltage registers. Additionally, the charging/discharging battery current is
measured without user intervention, and again, the last completed result is stored in DS2438 memory
space. The DS2438 uses these current measurements to update three current accumulators; the first stores
net charge for fuel gauge calculations, the second accumulates the total charging current over the life of
the battery, and the remaining accumulator tallies battery discharge current. The elapsed time meter data,
which can be used in calculating battery self-discharge or time-related charge termination limits, also
resides in the DS2438 memory map and can be extracted with a memory function command. The
nonvolatile user memory of the DS2438 consists of 40 bytes of EEPROM. These locations may be used
to store any data the user wishes and are written to using a memory function command. All data and
commands are read and written least significant bit first.
The block diagram (Figure 1) shows the parasite-powered circuitry. This circuitry “steals” power
whenever the DQ pin is high. DQ will provide sufficient power as long as the specified timing and
voltage requirements are met (see the section titled “1-Wire Bus System”). The advantage of parasite
power is that the ROM may be read in absence of normal power, i.e., if the battery pack is completely
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