Output Load: 100pF + 1TTL Gate
Input Pulse Levels: 0.0 to 3.0V
Timing Measurement Reference Levels:
Input: 1.5V
Output: 1.5V
Input Pulse Rise and Fall Times: 5ns
1) Voltages are referenced to ground.
2) Typical values are at 25C and nominal supplies.
3) Outputs are open.
4) Data retention time is at 25C.
5) Each DS1642 has a built-in switch that disconnects the lithium source until VCC is first applied by the
user. The expected tDR is defined as a cumulative time in the absence of VCC starting from the time
power is first applied by the user.
6) Real-time clock modules can be successfully processed through conventional wave-soldering
techniques as long as temperature exposure to the lithium energy source contained within does not
exceed +85C. Post-solder cleaning with water washing techniques is acceptable, provided that
ultrasonic vibration is not used to prevent damage to the crystal.
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