PSoC®3: CY8C36 Family Data Sheet
12.1 Part Numbering Conventions
PSoC 3 devices follow the part numbering convention described below. All fields are single character alphanumeric (0, 1, 2, …, 9, A,
B, …, Z) unless stated otherwise.
a: Architecture
3: PSoC 3
5: PSoC 5
b: Family Group within Architecture
4: CY8C34 family
6: CY8C36 family
8: CY8C38 family
c: Speed Grade
4: 48 MHz
6: 67 MHz
d: Flash Capacity
4: 16 KB
5: 32 KB
6: 64 KB
ef: Package Code
Two character alphanumeric
g: Temperature Range
C: commercial
I: industrial
A: automotive
xxx: Peripheral Set
Three character numeric
No meaning is associated with these three characters.
3: PSoC3
6: CY8C36 Family
6: 67 MHz
6: 64 KB
I: Industrial
Cypress Prefix
Family Group within Architecture
Speed Grade
Flash Capacity
Package Code
Temperature Range
Peripheral Set
CY8C 3 6 6 6 P V I - x x x
All devices in the PSoC 3 CY8C36 family comply to RoHS-6 specifications, demonstrating the commitment by Cypress to lead-free
products. Lead (Pb) is an alloying element in solders that has resulted in environmental concerns due to potential toxicity. Cypress
uses nickel-palladium-gold (NiPdAu) technology for the majority of leadframe-based packages.
A high level review of the Cypress Pb-free position is available on our website. Specific package information is also available. Package
Material Declaration Datasheets (PMDDs) identify all substances contained within Cypress packages. PMDDs also confirm the
absence of many banned substances. The information in the PMDDs will help Cypress customers plan for recycling or other "end of
life" requirements.
Document Number: 001-53413 Rev. *B
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