VOUT offset = 3.3V, VCC offset = 4.3V
PowerUpVa ux30v. bmp
Figure 8. VCC Power-up (VAUX = 3.0V)
VCC Power-down (VAUX = 3.3V). Figure 9 shows the output response as VCC approaches the deselect threshold
during a power-down transition. VAUX of 3.3V remains present. When VCC reaches the deselect threshold (4.1V),
the regulator turns off. This causes a step change reduction in VCC current resulting in a small voltage increase
at the VCC input. This disturbance is approximately 100mV and the built-in hysteresis of 250mV ensures the
regulator remains disabled throughout the transient. The output voltage experiences a disturbance of
approximately 100mV during the transition.
VOUT offset = 3.3V, VCC offset = 4.3V
PowerDwnVa ux33v. bmp
Figure 9. VCC Power-down (VAUX = 3.3V)
Load Step Response. Figure 10 shows the output response of the regulator during a step load change from
5mA to 500mA (represented on Ch1). An initial transient overshoot of 50mV occurs and the output settles to its
final voltage within a few microseconds. The dc voltage disturbance on the output is approximately 75mV,
which demonstrates the regulator output impedance of 0.15Ω.
VOUT offset = 3.3V
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