Unless stated otherwise, all DC characteristics were
measured at room temperature with a nominal VCC supply
voltage of 5.0 V and an output capacitance of 10 mF. The
external PMOS switch was present and resistive load
conditions were used.
The test data shown here was obtained from engineering
samples. The device was modified to allow the regulator to
function below the dropout threshold for the purpose of
obtaining test data. During normal operation, production
parts will shutdown the regulator below a 4.1 V supply.
Dropout Characteristics of the regulator are shown in
Dropout Characteristics. At maximum rated load conditions
(500 mA), a 100 mV drop in regulation occurs when the line
voltage collapses below 4.1 V. For light load conditions
(50 mA), regulation is maintained for line voltages as low as
3.5 V
In normal operation, the regulator is deselected at 4.1 V,
which ensures a regulation output droop of less than 100 mV
is maintained.
Ground Current is shown across the entire range of load
conditions in Ground Current. The ground current has
minimal variation across the range of load conditions and
shows only a slight increase at maximum load. This slight
increase at rated load is due to the current limit protection
circuitry becoming active.
Figure 1. Dropout Characteristics
Load Regulation performance is shown from zero to
maximum rated load in Load Regulation. A change in load
from 10% to 100% of rated, results in an output voltage
change of less than 75 mV. This translates into an effective
output impedance of approximately 0.15 W.
Figure 3. Ground Current
VCC Supply Current of the device is shown across the
entire VCC range for both VAUX present (3.3 V) and absent
(0 V) in V
In the absence of VAUX, the supply current remains fixed
at approximately 0.15 mA until VCC reaches the Select
voltage threshold of 4.35 V. At this point the regulator is
enabled and a supply current of 1.0 mA is conducted.
When VAUX is present, the VCC supply current is less than
10 mA until VCC exceeds VAUX, at which point VCC then
powers the controller (0.15 mA). When VCC reaches
VSELECT, the regulator is enabled.
Figure 4. VCC Supply Current (No Lead)
Figure 2. Load Regulation