Systems, Inc.
AV9170-05 is only available through America II distributor
Clock Synchronizer and Multiplier
General Description
The AV9170 generates an output clock which is
synchronized to a given continuous input clock with zero
delay (±1ns at 5V VDD). Using ICS’s proprietary phase-
locked loop (PLL) ana-log CMOS technology, the AV9170
is useful for regenerating clocks in high speed systems
where skew is a major concern. By the use of the two
select pins, multiples or divisions of the input clock can
be generated with zero delay (see Tables 2 and 3). The
standard versions produce two outputs, where CLK2 is
always a divide by two version of CLK1.
The AV9170 is also useful to recover poor duty cycle
clocks. A 50 MHz signal with a 20/80% duty cycle, for
example, can be regenerated to the 48/52% typical of the
The AV9170 allows the user to control the PLL feedback,
making it possible, with an additional 74F240 octal buffer
(or other such device that offers controlled skew outputs),
to synchronize up to 8 output clocks with zero delay
compared to the input (see Figure 1). Application notes for
the AV9170 are available. Please consult ICS.
• On-chip Phase-Locked Loop for clocks
• Synchronizes frequencies up to 107MHz
(output) @ 5.0V
• ±1ns skew (max) between input & output clocks @
• Can recover poor duty cycle clocks
• CLK1 to CLK2 skew controlled to within ±1ns @
• 3.0 - 5.5V supply range
• Low power CMOS technology
• Small 8-pin DIP or SOIC package
• On chip loop filter
• AV9170-01, -04 for output clocks 20-107 MHz @
5.0V, 20 - 66.7 MHz @ 3.3V
• AV9170-02, -05 for output clocks 5-26.75 MHz @
5.0V, 5 - 16.7 MHz @ 3.3V
Block Diagram