6.1. Derived Types
Each object contains a context, which contains a pointer to a function table, and zero or more attributes. Derived
objects contain multiple contexts, each with their own function pointer and attributes. This allows derived types to
have attributes with the same names as those of their base types that are independent of the same named
attributes of the base type. Figure 5 shows the derived object structure.
obj* my_ object
Figure 5. Derived Object Structure
Objects also have a type signature that is not represented in the diagram. This type signature allows operations to
assert that the self parameter is an object of a specific type. Those assertions can be compiled away in release
builds. The current implementation uses cstrings and strcmp to perform runtime type checking. This allows
checking whether an object is derived from some other object and is legible in memory. Occasionally attempting to
call strcmp on a non-object can result in a fault. This is arguably less friendly than an assertion, but the error is
caught in the debugger.
6.2. Object Life Cycles
All objects in the library derive from the si32RootObject. This provisions all of the library objects with a small set of
fundamental capabilities. All objects in the library, including those that are not dynamically allocated on the heap,
employ reference counting to govern their life cycles. The operations for accomplishing this are:
allocate: An object can be allocated on the stack, or it can be incrementally, or dynamically, allocated from
one of several memory zones. The act of allocating an object reserves memory for that object and
configures it for use as an object by preparing it's reference count, function tables, etc.
initialize: All objects must be initialized prior to being used.
retain: Increments the object's reference count.
release: Decrements the object’s reference count. When a dynamic object's reference count decrements
from 1 to 0 it is deallocated.
deallocate: Called when the reference count reaches 0. Only objects dynamically allocated from the heap
zone are actually deallocated.
This reference counting mechanism is employed throughout the si32Library. The policy is that newly created
objects have a reference count of 1, and it is the responsibility of the creator of that object to release it once it is no
longer needed. When a reference to an object is provided to some other object, the receiving object must retain it
in order use it beyond the current function call. Otherwise it may be released, potentially resulting in deallocation;
thus, subsequent use may result in a pointer error. The policy is to retain it if it will continue to be used.
Consequently, every call to retain must be paired with a corresponding call to release. This allows one object to
allocate a second object, hand it over to a third object, and then release it, thus relieving itself of ownership. The
object that performed the allocation is not required to be responsible for its eventual deallocation.
In general, memory is allocated at compile time or automatically on the stack at runtime. Heap-based dynamic
memory allocation functions are provided to allocate, reallocate, and deallocate RAM in a controlled, monitored
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