2.2. Type Header (Type.h) and Code (Type.c) Files
The *_Type.h file creates the interface definition of the module. This file includes function prototypes and macro
definitions for each of the HAL routines. Including this file in a source file means that file now has access to all of
the HAL routines for a module.
The *_Type.c file is the implementation of the module HAL functions. This file includes all of the function
declarations for the prototypes in the *_Type.h file.
Each of the routines starts with the SI32_ shield and the module name. The descriptive name of the function then
follows. For example, the routine to set the IPRDYI bit in the USBEP module is:
void _SI32_USBEP_A_set_in_packet_ready(SI32_USBEP_A_Type * basePointer);
2.2.1. Function Naming
The function names for the HAL follow a set of guidelines to make them consistent and predictable across
Names are in lower case, including acronyms: read_nss_pin.
Do not use abbreviations, with one exception being tx for transmit and rx for receive.
Separate words using underscores.
Use enable_module and disable_module for bits that control the whole module.
Use reset_module for bits that reset the whole module.
Use select for functions that are selecting an item that is mutually exclusive from other options. This is
common with settings that involve multiple bitfields.
Use enter_mode_description_mode and exit_mode_description_mode for non-mutually exclusive
items, and all enter_mode functions must have an exit_mode counterpart. For example, to enter the IrDA
mode in the USART module: enter_rx_irda_mode.
Use set, get, and clear for bits and registers. For example: set_parity_even, get_status,
Use numerical value for numbers. For example: set_fifo_threshold_1, set_fifo_threshold_2.
Use read and write when manipulating data or pins. For example: read_fifo, write_fifo, read_nss_pin.
Use start and stop for things that run, like oscillators and timers.
Use enable, disable, “is enabled”, “is pending”, and clear for interrupts. For example:
enable_overrun_interrupt, disable_overrun_interrupt, is_overrun_interrupt_pending, and
Use has for events that have flags but do not cause interrupts. For example:
For debug bits, use the enable_stall_in_debug_mode and disable_stall_in_debug_mode routine
Functions referring to the peripheral should always use the module keyword.
Rev. 0.2