• Clocking: the SPORT can use an external serial clock or
generate its own in a wide range of frequencies down to
0 Hz.
• Word length: each SPORT section supports serial data
word lengths from three to sixteen bits that can be trans-
ferred either MSB first or LSB first.
• Framing: each SPORT section (receive and transmit) can
operate with or without frame synchronization signals for
each data-word; with internally generated or externally
generated frame signals; with active high or active low
frame signals; with either of two pulsewidths and frame
signal timing.
• Companding in hardware: each SPORT section can
perform A law and µ law companding according to
CCITT recommendation G.711.
• Direct Memory Access with single cycle overhead: using
the built-in DMA master, the SPORT can automatically
receive and/or transmit multiple memory buffers of data
with an overhead of only one DSP cycle per data-word.
The on-chip DSP via a linked list of memory space
resident DMA descriptor blocks can configure transfers
between the SPORT and memory space. This chained list
can be dynamically allocated and updated.
• Interrupts: each SPORT section (receive and transmit)
generates an interrupt upon completing a data-word
transfer, or after transferring an entire buffer or buffers if
DMA is used.
• Multichannel capability: The SPORT can receive and
transmit data selectively from channels of a serial bit
stream that is time division multiplexed into up to 128
channels. This is especially useful for T1 interfaces or as
a network communication scheme for multiple proces-
sors. The SPORTs also support T1 and E1 carrier
• Each SPORT channel (Tx and Rx) supports a DMA
buffer of up to eight, 16-bit transfers.
• The SPORT operates at a frequency of up to one-half the
clock frequency of the HCLK
• The SPORT is capable of UART software emulation.
Analog-to-Digital Conversion System
The ADSP-21991 contains a fast, high accuracy, multiple input
analog-to-digital conversion system with simultaneous sampling
capabilities. This A/D conversion system permits the fast,
accurate conversion of analog signals needed in high performance
embedded systems. Key features of the ADC system are:
• 14-bit Pipeline (6-Stage Pipeline) Flash Analog-to-
Digital Converter.
• 8 dedicated analog inputs.
• Dual channel simultaneous sampling capability.
• Programmable ADC clock rate to maximum of
• First channel ADC data valid approximately 375 ns after
CONVST (at 20 MSPS).
• All 8 inputs converted in approximately 725 ns (at
20 MSPS).
• 2.0 V peak-to-peak input voltage range.
• Multiple convert start sources.
• Internal or external Voltage Reference.
• Out of range detection.
• DMA capable transfers from ADC to memory.
The ADC system is based on a pipeline flash converter core, and
contains dual input sample-and-hold amplifiers so that simulta-
neous sampling of two input signals is supported. The ADC
system provides an analog input voltage range of 2.0 Vp-p and
provides 14-bit performance with a clock rate of up to HCLK،4.
The ADC system can be programmed to operate at a clock rate
that is programmable from HCLK⁄4 to HCLK⁄30, to a maximum
of 20 MHz (at 160 MHz CCLK rate).
The ADC input structure supports 8 independent analog inputs;
four of which are multiplexed into one sample-and-hold amplifier
(A_SHA) and 4 of which are multiplexed into the other sample-
and-hold amplifier (B_SHA).
At the 20 MHz sampling rate, the first data value is valid approx-
imately 375 ns after the Convert Start command. All 8 channels
are converted in approximately 725 ns.
The core of the ADSP-21991 provides 14-bit data such that the
stored data values in the ADC data registers are 14 bits wide.
Voltage Reference
The ADSP-21991 contains an onboard band gap reference that
can be used to provide a precise 1.0 V output for use by the A/D
system and externally on the VREF pin for biasing and level
shifting functions. Additionally, the ADSP-21991 may be con-
figured to operate with an external reference applied to the VREF
pin, if required.
PWM Generation Unit
Key features of the 3-phase PWM generation unit are:
• 16-bit, center based PWM generation unit
• Programmable PWM pulsewidth, with resolutions to
12.5 ns (at 80 MHz HCLK Rate)
• Single/double update modes
• Programmable dead time and switching frequency
• Twos complement implementation permits smooth tran-
sition into full ON and full OFF states
• Possibility to synchronize the PWM generation to an
external synchronization
• Special provisions for BDCM Operation (crossover and
output enable functions)
• Wide variety of special switched reluctance (SR)
operating modes
• Output polarity and clock gating control
• Dedicated asynchronous PWM shutdown signal
• Multiple shutdown sources, independently for each unit
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