8-bit universal shift register; 3-state
Table 7. Dynamic characteristics …continued
GND (ground = 0 V); for test circuit, see Figure 10.
Symbol Parameter
CP input; see Figure 6
VCC = 2.0 V
VCC = 4.5 V
VCC = 5.0 V; CL = 15 pF
VCC = 6.0 V
[1] tpd is the same as tPHL and tPLH.
[2] tpd is the same as tPHL.
[3] tt is the same as tTHL and tTLH.
[4] ten is the same as tPZH and tPZL.
[5] tdis is the same as tPHZ and tPLZ.
[6] CPD is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PD in W).
PD = CPD VCC2 fi N +(CL VCC2 fo) where:
fi = input frequency in MHz;
fo = output frequency in MHz;
(CL VCC2 fo) = sum of outputs;
CL = output load capacitance in pF;
VCC = supply voltage in V;
N = number of inputs switching.
25 C
Min Typ Max
40 C to
+85 C
Min Max
40 C to Unit
+125 C
Min Max
5.0 15 - 4.0 - 3.4 - MHz
25 45 - 20 - 17 - MHz
- 50 -
- MHz
29 54 - 24 - 20 - MHz
Product data sheet
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Rev. 4 — 26 February 2016
© Nexperia B.V. 2017. All rights reserved
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