Version History
Rev. 0
Rev. 1
Rev. 2
Rev. 3
Document Revision History
Description of Change
Initial public release.
• In Table 10-4, added an entry for flash data retention with less than 100 program/erase
cycles (minimum 20 years).
• In Table 10-6, changed the device clock speed in STOP mode from 8MHz to 4MHz.
• In Table 10-12, changed the typical relaxation oscillator output frequency in Standby
mode from 400kHz to 200kHz.
• Changed input propagation delay values in Table 10-20 as follows:
Old values: 1 μs typical, 2 μs maximum
New values: 35 ns typical, 45 ns maximum
In Table 10-19, changed the maximum ADC internal clock frequency from 8 MHz to 5.33
• Added the following note to the description of the TMS signal in Table 2-3:
Note: Always tie the TMS pin to VDD through a 2.2K resistor.
• Corrected pin number labels in Figure 11-1 as follows:
Old labels: Pin 1, Pin 12, Pin 23, Pin 34
New labels: Pin 1, Pin 9, Pin 17, Pin 25
Please see for the most current data sheet revision.
56F8023 Data Sheet, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor