The MCP19114/5 are highly integrated, mixed-signal
low-side synchronous controllers that operate from
4.5V to 42V. The family features an analog PWM
controller with an integrated microcontroller core used
for LED lighting systems, battery chargers and other
low-side switch PWM applications. The devices feature
an analog internal PWM controller similar to the
MCP1631, and a standard PIC® microcontroller similar
to the PIC12F617.
Complete customization of device operating
parameters, start-up or shutdown profiles, protection
levels and fault handling procedures are accomplished
by setting digital registers using Microchip’s MPLAB® X
Integrated Development Environment software and
one of Microchip’s many in-circuit debugger and device
The MCP19114/5 mixed-signal low-side synchronous
controllers feature integrated programmable input
UVLO/OVLO, programmable output overvoltage (OV),
two low-side gate drive outputs with independent
programmable dead time, programmable leading edge
blanking (four steps), programmable 6-bit slope
compensation and an integrated internal
programmable oscillator for fixed-frequency
applications. An integrated 8-bit reference voltage
(VREF) is used for setting output voltage or current. An
internal comparator supports quasi-resonant
applications. Additional Capture and Compare
modules are integrated for additional control, including
enhanced dimming capability. The MCP19114/5
devices contain two internal LDOs. A 5V LDO is used
to power the internal processor and provide 5V
externally. This 5V external output can be used to
supply the gate drive. An analog filter between the VDD
output and the VDR input is recommended when
implementing a 5V gate drive supplied from VDD. Two
4.7 µF capacitors are recommended with one placed
as close as possible to VDD and one as close as
possible to VDR, separated by a 10 isolation resistor.
DO NOT exceed 10 µF on the VDD. An external supply
is required to implement higher gate drive voltages. By
utilizing Microchip’s TC1240A voltage doubler supplied
from VDD to provide VDR, a 10V gate drive can be
achieved. A 4V LDO is used to power the internal
analog circuitry. The two low-side drivers can be used
to operate the power converter in bidirectional mode,
enabling the “shaping” of LED dimming current in LED
applications or developing bidirectional power
converters for battery-powered applications.
The MCP19114 is packaged in a 24-lead
4 mm x 4 mm QFN and offers an alternate-bonded
28-lead 5 mm x 5 mm QFN. The MCP19115 is
packaged in a 28-lead 5 mm x 5 mm QFN.
The ability for system designers to configure
application-specific features allows the MCP19114/5 to
be offered in smaller packages than currently available
in integrated devices today. The General Purpose
Input/Output (GPIO) of the MCP19114/5 can be
configured to offer a status output; a device enable, to
control an external switch; a switching frequency
synchronization output or input or even a device status
or "heartbeat" indicator. This flexibility allows the
MCP19114/5 packages and complete solutions to be
smaller, thereby saving size and cost of the system
printed circuit boards.
With integrated features like output current adjustment
and dynamic output voltage positioning, the
MCP19114/5 family has the best in-class performance
and highest integration level currently available.
Power trains supported by this architecture include but
are not limited to boost, flyback, quasi-resonant
flyback, SEPIC, Ćuk, etc. Two low-side gate drivers are
capable of sinking and sourcing 1A at 10V VDR. With a
5V gate drive, the driver is capable of 0.5A sink and
source. The user has the option to allow the VIN UVLO
to shut down the drivers by setting the UVLOEN bit.
When this bit is not set, the device drivers will ride
through the UVLO condition and continue to operate
until VDR reaches the gate drive UVLO value. This
value is selectable at 2.7V or 5.4V and is always
enabled. An internal reset for the microcontroller core
is set to 2.0V. An internal comparator module is used to
sense the desaturation of the flyback transformer to
synchronize switching for quasi-resonant applications.
The operating input voltage for normal device operation
ranges from 4.5V to 42V with an absolute maximum of
44V. The maximum transient voltage is 48V for 500 ms.
An I2C serial bus is used for device communications
from the PWM controller to the system.
2014-2015 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS20005281B-page 9