JANUARY 21, 2009 V1.0
SC14480A5M, SC14480A2M6
1.8V Single Chip for DECT
General Description
■ A2M6: 2.6Mbit ROM + 16k shared RAM,
The SC14480A5M, SC14480A2M6 are family mem-
bers of digital CMOS ICs with fully integrated radio
transceivers and baseband processors for DECT &
DECT 6.0 CAT-iQ handsets and basestations.
■ A5M 5.0 Mbit ROM/FLASH +16k shared + 8k non
shared RAM.
■ ROM/FLASH access maximum 20.736 MHz
■ Instruction/Data/Event Trace unit in FLASH ver-
sion for fast program development.
The SC14480A5M has a FLASH version with CR16 ■ Power management
trace unit for development of all family members.
■ 1.8 Volt operating voltage with 1.8V I/O pads, P0
For the family overview refer to SiTel Portal
The radio transceiver, when combined with a power
amplifier and a Tx/Rx switch, implements a complete
l DECT radio transceiver compiant with the ETSI CTR6
tia The audio path comprises a 16 bit CODEC, analog
frontend, including a high efficiency 4 Ohm audio
amplifier (Class-D) and user programmable Gen2DSP.
n The CompactRISCTM CR16Cplus microprocessor with
a one wire debug port running from ROM controls the
e protocol stack and the I/O peripherals, keyboard,
fid UART, ACCESS bus, SPI, LED drivers, RF switches.
■ Complies with DECT ETS 300 175-2,3 & 8 and
n DECT 6.0.
■ 10.368/20.736 MHz xtal digital controlled oscillator.
o ■ Processing power
■ 41.472 MHz 16 bit CompactRISCTM CR16Cplus
C with a four channel DMA controller.
and P2 port groups are 3.45V tolerant.
■ Charge control for 2xNiMH batteries and Li-Ion
■ Voltage trippler for white LEDs and supply of
external 2.5/3V devices
■ Analog and Audio Interfaces
■ 8, 16, 32 kHz 16-bit linear audio CODEC.
■ Analog Front End to differential and single ended.
microphones and 28 ohm loudspeaker.
■ High efficiency 0.5 W 2.5 V (4 ohm) switching
■ 10bit ADC with 8/16kHz sample rate.
■ Integrated opamp for caller-id
■ Digital interfaces
■ Three general purpose I/O ports
■ Keyboard interface with debounce counter
■ Serial Debug interface, Nexus Class-1 compliant.
■ UART Full duplex 9600-230.4 kbaud.
■ SPI™ interface 20.736 MHz (Master/Slave).
■ Dual ACCESS bus 100 kHz, 400 kHz, 1.152 MHz
■ PCM Interface master/slave (I2S compatible)
■ Three general purpose timers and watch dog timer.
■ Radio transceiver
■ Fully integrated 1.9GHz CMOS transceiver
■ Eight/two debug channels for ROM patching.
■ <70 μs RF PLL lock time
■ Programmable Gen2DSP supporting various
■ Six digital output ports (including two for fast
algorithms for telecom applications in ROM.
antenna diversity switching)
Development version has 2k Micro Code RAM
■ 2 dBm PA driver RF output (A +25 dBm PA is
■ Dedicated Instruction Processor (DiP) with a new
under investigation)
32 bits CRC and a support for a new 640 bits slot
■ -96 dBm receiver sensitivity
format with a minimum delay.
■ e-TQFP-80 package with exposed pad and KGD
■ Device Memories configuration
Note 1: CompactRISC™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor
SPI™ is trademark of Motorola.
System Diagram
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