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HT45FM03B(2009) Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor

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Holtek Semiconductor 
HT45FM03B Datasheet PDF : 83 Pages
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Arithmetic and Logic Unit - ALU
The arithmetic-logic unit or ALU is a critical area of the
microcontroller that carries out arithmetic and logic op-
erations of the instruction set. Connected to the main
microcontroller data bus, the ALU receives related in-
struction codes and performs the required arithmetic or
logical operations after which the result will be placed in
the specified register. As these ALU calculation or oper-
ations may result in carry, borrow or other status
changes, the status register will be correspondingly up-
dated to reflect these changes. The ALU supports the
following functions:
· Arithmetic operations ADD, ADDM, ADC, ADCM,
· Logic operations AND, OR, XOR, ANDM, ORM,
· Rotation RRA, RR, RRCA, RRC, RLA, RL, RLCA,
· Increment and Decrement INCA, INC, DECA, DEC
· Branch decision JMP, SZ, SZA, SNZ, SIZ, SDZ, SIZA,
Flash Program Memory
The Program Memory is the location where the user
code or program is stored. This device is supplied with
Flash type program memory where users can program
their application code into the device. By using the ap-
propriate programming tools, Flash type devices offer
users the flexibility to freely develop their applications,
which may be useful during debug or for products re-
quiring frequent upgrades or program changes. Flash
type devices are also applicable for use in applications
that require low or medium volume production runs.
The Program Memory has a capacity of 4K by 15 bits.
The Program Memory is addressed by the Program
Counter and also contains data, table information and
interrupt entries. Table data, which can be setup in any
location within the Program Memory, is addressed by a
separate table pointer register.
Special Vectors
Within the Program Memory, certain locations are re-
served for special usage such as reset and interrupts.
· Location 000H
This vector is reserved for use by use by the device re-
set for program initialisation. After a device reset is ini-
tiated, the program will jump to this location and begin
· Location 004H
This vector is used by the Analog Comparator inter-
rupt. If an Analog Comparator interrupt, resulting from
a falling edge on the Analog Comparator output oc-
curs, the program will jump to this location and begin
execution if the Analog Comparator interrupt 0 is en-
abled and the stack is not full.
· Location 008H
This vector is used by the external interrupt 0. If the
INT0A, INT0B or INT0C external interrupt pins on the
device receives an edge transition, the program will
jump to this location and begin execution if the exter-
nal interrupt 0 is enabled and the stack is not full.
· Location 00CH
This vector is used by the multi-function interrupt. If
the external interrupt 1 pin on the device receives an
edge transition, or when an A/D conversion cycle is
complete, the program will jump to this location and
begin execution if the multi-function interrupt is en-
abled and the stack is not full. The external interrupt 1
active edge transition type, whether high to low, low to
high or both, is specified in the Configuration Options.
· Location 010H
This vector is used by the PWM interrupt. If a PWM in-
terrupt, resulting from a PWMxH is from inactive to
active, the program will jump to this location and begin
execution if the PWM interrupt is enabled and the
stack is not full.
· Location 014H
This internal vector is used by the Timer/Event Coun-
ter 0. If the counter overflow occurs, the program will
jump to this location and begin execution if the
timer/event counter 0 interrupt is enabled and the
stack is not full.
· Location 018H
This internal vector is used by the Timer/Event Coun-
ter 1. If the counter overflow occurs, the program will
jump to this location and begin execution if the
timer/event counter 1 interrupt is enabled and the
stack is not full.
D e v ic e In itia liz a tio n P r o g r a m
A n a lo g C o m p a r a to r In te r r u p t
E x te rn a l In te rru p t 0
00C H
M u lti- fu n c tio n In te r r u p t
P W M In te rru p t
T im e r /E v e n t C o u n te r 0 O v e r flo w
T im e r /E v e n t C o u n te r 1 O v e r flo w
L o o k - u p T a b le
L o o k - u p T a b le ( L a s t P a g e )
( 4 K x 1 5 B its )
Program Memory Structure
Rev. 1.00
December 16, 2009

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