● 133-MHz PCI-X 1.0 specification compatibility
● High-speed external memory support, including DDR, DDR2,
and SDR SDRAM, and QDRII SRAM supported by drop in
Altera IP MegaCore functions for ease of use
● Three dedicated registers per I/O element (IOE): one input
register, one output register, and one output-enable register
● Programmable bus-hold feature
● Programmable output drive strength feature
● Programmable delays from the pin to the IOE or logic array
● I/O bank grouping for unique VCCIO and/or VREF bank
● MultiVolt™ I/O standard support for 1.5-, 1.8-, 2.5-, and
● Hot-socketing operation support
● Tri-state with weak pull-up on I/O pins before and during
● Programmable open-drain outputs
● Series on-chip termination support
■ Flexible clock management circuitry
● Hierarchical clock network for up to 402.5-MHz performance
● Up to four PLLs per device provide clock multiplication and
division, phase shifting, programmable duty cycle, and external
clock outputs, allowing system-level clock management and
skew control
● Up to 16 global clock lines in the global clock network that drive
throughout the entire device
■ Device configuration
● Fast serial configuration allows configuration times less than
100 ms
● Decompression feature allows for smaller programming file
storage and faster configuration times
● Supports multiple configuration modes: active serial, passive
serial, and JTAG-based configuration
● Supports configuration through low-cost serial configuration
● Device configuration supports multiple voltages (either 3.3, 2.5,
or 1.8 V)
■ Intellectual property
● Altera megafunction and Altera MegaCore function support,
and Altera Megafunctions Partners Program (AMPPSM)
megafunction support, for a wide range of embedded
processors, on-chip and off-chip interfaces, peripheral
functions, DSP functions, and communications functions and
Altera Corporation
February 2008
Cyclone II Device Handbook, Volume 1