Fig.5 Intermodulation v. programming current
Fig.6 Supply current v. VCC2 (IP = 0)
The SL6440 can be used with differential or singleended
inputs and outputs. A balanced input will give bettercarrier
leak The high input impedanceallowsstepup transformers to
be used if desired, whilst high output impedance allows a
choice of output impedance and conversion gain.
Fig. 2 shows the simplest application circuit. The input and
output are single-ended and Ip is supplied from VCC1 via a
resistor. Increasing RL will increase the conversion gain, care
being taken to choose a suitable value for VCC1.
Fig. 8 shows an application with balanced input, for
improved carrier leak, and balanced output for increased
conversion gain. A lower VCC1 giving lower device dissipation
can be used with this arrangement.
1. Decide on input configuration using local oscillator data.
If using transformer on input, decide on ratio from noise
2. Decide on output configuration and value of conversion
gain required.
3. Decide on value of lP and VCC2 using intermodulation and
compression point graphs.
4. Using values of conversion gain, VCC2, load and Ip
already chosen, decide on value of VCC1.
5. Calculate device dissipation and decide whether
heatsink is required from maximum operating temperature
Fig.7 Device dissipation v. IP
Fig.8 Typical application circuit for highest performance