The third and final module is the oven and test
fixturing. This is where the actual samples under
test are placed. The oven is a Blue M model
MO1420A (or equivalent), forced air convection
oven, proportionally regulated to a maximum of
180°C. The forced air convection oven provides
adequate air flow to dissipate ozone build up in
the oven created by corona during testing.
The system is housed in a standard 19" equip-
ment rack, 31" deep and 36" high. Included in the
rack are the slave controller and pulse generator,
five high voltage pulser modules and control cir-
cuitry, high voltage DC and support power sup-
plies, a universal input voltage transformer, and a
rack circuit breaker. The benchtop oven sits on
top of the rack, and interconnects with the pulser
and control circuitry with an umbilical cable. The
control computer and monitor are a standard
Pentium-based desktop PC, that connect to the
rack with a 2 meter GPIB cable (included with the
system). This allows the test station to be a com-
plete stand-alone instrument.
For operator safety, the oven door is interlocked.
The system features front panel status indicators,
and an emergency stop button to allow immediate
shutdown of the system, if necessary.
The DTS-1600A is delivered as a fully integrated,
turnkey system complete with control computer
and software, oven, slave controller/high voltage
sections and equipment rack, ready for immedi-
ate use. Test fixtures for twisted pair, motorettes
and dielectric samples are available through DEI.
For further information and for price and delivery,
contact the factory, or the DEI representative in
your area.
References And Related Papers
“Aging Of Magnet Wire In The Presence Of Variable Fre-
quency, High Rise Time And High Voltage Pulses”, V.
Divljakovic, J. Kline, D. Barta, D. Floryan, CEIDP 1994.
“Pulse Width Modulated Aging Twisted pairs, Motorettes. And
Motors”, J. Kline, V. Divljakovic, G. Krausse, EMCW 1996.
“Available Insulation Systems For PWM Inverter-Fed Motors”,
A. Bonnett, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, January/
February 1998
Pulse Specifications
Pulse Amplitude
Pulse Frequency
Variable from 0 to 3,200V peak-to-
peak (±1600V)
Variable from 200Hz to 20Khz
Pulse Width
Variable from 1µs to 4.75ms
Duty Cycle
Pulse Rise and
Fall Times
Variable from 0.002% to 95%
Variable from 50ns to 200ns (1)
Capacitive (twisted pairs or motor-
ettes): Max 5 twisted pair (50pF
each) or 3 motorettes (350pF each)
at 20KHz frequency, ±1600V (2)
Inductive (stator): 3mH at 3.5µs
pulse width, 1600V unipolar,
Oven Specifications
Min. Temperature Ambient
Max. Temperature 180° Celsius
Monitor Signal Specifications
Voltage Monitor
1000 Volts/Volt into 50 Ohms
Current Monitor
10 Amps/Volt into 1 Meg-Ohm
TTL into 50 Ohm
Control Computer Specifications
General Specifica- 733 MHz Pentium, 64MB RAM,
10GB HDD, CD ROM, 3½” FDD,
15” Monitor, Mouse & Keyboard (3)
Power Specifications
AC Input
100/120VAC @ 20A, 50/60Hz
208/220/240VAC @ 10A, 50/60Hz
(1) Specified into a 50pF load (typical twisted pair) installed in an
oven fixture. Actual rise and fall times will vary somewhat
based upon load capacitance. The rise and fall time are user
selectable in 8 steps.
(2) Maximum load capacitance is limited by the power dissipa-
tion of the system. Higher load capacitances can be driven at
derated voltages and/or frequency.
(3) Minimum specifications. Computer may have better specifi-
cations, depending upon configurations available at time of
DEI supplies solutions for the generation, delivery and measurement of high power, high fidelity electrical
pulses. Applications include lasers, test and measurement, mass spectroscopy, radar and acoustics.
Please call, FAX or email for applications assistance or information on other DEI products.
9200-0203 Rev 2
The Pulse Of The Future
Directed Energy, Inc. • 2401 Research Blvd., Suite 108 • Fort Collins, CO 80526
TEL: 970-493-1901 • FAX: 970-493-1903 • EMAIL: • Internet: