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AV2002 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Integrated Circuit Systems

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Integrated Circuit Systems 
AV2002 Datasheet PDF : 21 Pages
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Direct Register Descriptions
The base address is determined externally by an address de-
coder which selects the chip via the CS input.
Status (Base + 0 read)
Note that this register can only be read in STAND ALONE
mode. Hence, indirect access to this register has been provided
at RA=83h for use in COMPANION mode.
Register Address (RA) (Base + 1)
765 432 1 0
765 432 1 0
Clear Play IRQ
Clear Record IRQ
Power-Down Mode IRQ
FIFO Overflow/Underflow IRQ
Sample Rate IRQ
FIFO Ready
IRQ (same as pin)
This register is the indirect pointer to direct data transfers to
and from the data registers. It is a read/write register. Note that
this register can only be read if the chip is in STAND ALONE
Data Low Byte/Word (DLW)
765 432 1 0
IRQ Reset (Base + 0 write)
765 432 1 0
Clear SR IRQ
Data High Byte (DH) (Base + 3)
765 432 1 0
These two addresses are used to accomplish all internal register
reading and writing. Most internal registers are 8-bit or less.
These are accessed by first writing the appropriate value to the
DW, then writing (reading) the data byte to (from) DLW.
This register provides the driver software easy access to the
interrupt source when read. Note that bit 7 indicates the state
of the IRQ pin, and hence will be zero when the MIE bit is zero
(see “Interrupt Enable” register).
A write to the register is performed to clear interrupts. Writing
a one to a given bit will cause the associated interrupt to be
cleared. To release the clear interrupt bit and allow further
interrupts to occur, a zero must be written back to the bit of
interest (some bits have alternate methods of clearing described
later). This feature ensures that if the interrupt condition still
exists, an edge will be generated on the IRQ pin, thus ensuring
recognition on platforms that are edge sensitive. This also
allows for a return from interrupt instruction to be executed on
the platform while the IRQ line is inactive.
I/O Mode FIFO data (RA=0Bh), Algorithm RAM, and Coeffi-
cient RAM are always treated as 16-bit entities, and can be
transferred in two ways:
- a single operation to/from DLW with SBHE = 0
- two successive operations, low byte to/from DLW
with SBHE = 1, then high byte to/from DH.
Bit 6 is a special case. There is no IRQ associated with this bit.
It is located here for use in Sound Source Emulation Mode, and
represents the BUSY status of a Sound Source. When the
STATUS is read and tested with 40h, a zero result indicates that
the play FIFO is full.

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