All DATEL sampling A/D converters are fully characterized and
specified over operating temperature (case) ranges of 0 to
+70°C and -55 to +125°C. All room-temperature (TA = +25°C)
production testing is performed without the use of heat sinks or
forced-air cooling. Thermal impedance figures for each device
are listed in their respective specification tables.
These devices do not normally require heat sinks, however,
standard precautionary design and layout procedures should
be used to ensure devices do not overheat. The ground and
power planes beneath the package, as well as all pcb signal
runs to and from the device, should be as heavy as possible to
help conduct heat away from the package.
Electrically-insulating, thermally-conductive "pads" may be
installed underneath the package. Devices should be soldered
to boards rather than "socketed", and of course, minimal air
flow over the surface can greatly help reduce the package
In more severe ambient conditions, the package/junction
temperature of a given device can be reduced dramatically
(typically 35%) by using one of DATEL's HS Series heat sinks.
See Ordering Information for the assigned part number. See
page 1-183 of the DATEL Data Acquisition Components
Catalog for more information on the HS Series. Request
DATEL Application Note AN-8, "Heat Sinks for DIP Data
Converters", or contact DATEL directly, for additional
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Frequency (MHz)
(fs = 2MHz, fin = 490kHz, Vin = –0.5dB, 16,384-point FFT)
Figure 4. FFT Analysis of ADS-942A