Earth loop tamper indication (ELT)
If the power measurements from both current channels differ
by more than 12.5%, (indicating a earth loop tamper
condition), the ELT output is set to zero. The SA2007M
continues to generate output pulses from the larger of the two
measured powers in this condition. The ELT output is active
Direction indication (DIRO)
The SA2007M provides information about the energy flow
direction of both current channels on pin DIRO .
A logic 1 on pin DIRO indicates reverse energy flow of both
current channels. Reverse energy flow is defined as the
condition where the voltage sense input and current sense
input are out of phase (greater than 90 degrees).
Positive energy flow, when voltage sense and both current
sense input are in phase, is indicated on pin DIRO as a logic 0.
The DIRO output will toggle between 1 and 0 a rate of 1Hz
when one of the current channels measure positive energy
and the other negative energy. This condition may occur with a
improper installed or tampered meter.
The DIRO pin may be used to drive a LED in order to indicate
reverse energy.
Output Value
1 Reverse energy flow
0 Forward energy flow
1Hz Out of phase current channels