Semtech Corporation
1:9 Differential LVECL/LVPECL Clock Driver

Cornell Dubilier Electronics
85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

NPN Power Darlungton Modules 100A, 1200V

Semtech Corporation
1:5 Clock Distribution Chip

Cornell Dubilier Electronics
85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Semtech Corporation
4-Bit D Flip-Flop

Semtech Corporation
4-Bit Serial/Parallel Converter

Semtech Corporation
Differential Receiver with Variable Output Swing

Semtech Corporation
Quint Differential Line Receiver

Semtech Corporation
1:2 Differential Fanout Buffer

Semtech Corporation
Differential Receiver

Semtech Corporation
9-Bit Shift Register

Semtech Corporation
Differential Receiver

Semtech Corporation
8-Bit Synchronous Binary Up Counter

Semtech Corporation
1:2 Differential Fanout Buffer

Semtech Corporation
Low Voltage 1:9 Differential ECL/PECL Clock Driver with Enable Input

NPN Power Darlington Modules (100 A, 1200 V)