Linear Technology
Wide Operating Range, No RSENSE™ Step-Down Controller

Linear Technology
High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator

Linear Technology
550kHz Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller Plus Linear Regulator Controller

Linear Technology
2-Phase, 5-Bit Adjustable, High Efficiency, Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator

Linear Technology
14-Bit, 125/105Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

Linear Technology
Micropower Low Dropout References

Linear Technology
SMBus Dual Monolithic High Side Switch

Linear Technology
1.5MHz, 600mA Synchronous Step-Down Regulator in ThinSOT

Linear Technology
Smart Card Interface

Linear Technology
Triple Supply Monitor and µP Supervisor with Adjustable Reset and Watchdog Timer

Linear Technology
Low Noise,12-Bit, 25Msps ADC

Linear Technology
Constant Frequency Current Mode Step-Down DC/DC Controller in SOT-23

Linear Technology
Micropower Precision Triple Supply Monitors in 8-Lead MSOP and 5-Lead SOT-23 Packages

Linear Technology
1kHz to 33MHz Resistor Set SOT-23 Oscillator

Linear Technology
1MHz Step-Down DC/DC Converters in SOT-23

Linear Technology
Micropower, Regulated Charge Pump DC/DC Converters

Linear Technology
Micropower Precision Triple Supply Monitors in 8-Lead MSOP and 5-Lead SOT-23 Packages

Linear Technology
Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger in ThinSOT