Silicon NPN Epitaxial

Motorola => Freescale
SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS

SavantIC Semiconductor
Silicon NPN Power Transistors

Hitachi Metals, Ltd
Silicon NPN Epitaxial

MMDS / ISM / S-Band Downconverter

Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Silicon NPN Epitaxial

Motorola => Freescale
SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS

Inchange Semiconductor
Silicon NPN Power Transistors

Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Silicon NPN Epitaxial

Motorola => Freescale
SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS

C and K Components
Pushbutton Switches

MMDS / ISM / S-Band Mixer 1800 to 4800 MHz Operation

Renesas Electronics
Silicon NPN Epitaxial

Silicon NPN Power Transistors

Renesas Electronics
Silicon NPN Epitaxial

Motorola => Freescale
SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS

Motorola => Freescale
SCRs 25 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 600 VOLTS