Zetex => Diodes
The ZXBM200x is a series of 2-phase, DC brushless motor pre-drivers with variable speed control suitable for fan and blower motors. A full description is to be found in the device Datasheet available by logging on to www.zetex.com/zxbm.
There are three variants available for the controller and all are identical in every aspect except the Lock and FG output functions on Pin 6. The output on the ZXBM2003 is rotational frequency FG, on the ZXBM2002 the pin indicates when the controller in the Lock state whilst in the ZXBM2001 the output is a combination of both the Lock and FG signals.
This Applications document is intended to aid users in their development of the controller electronics for fan and blower motors using the ZXBM200x series of variable speed, 2-phase, DC brushless motor controllers.