Renesas Electronics
The ZSSC3123 is a CMOS integrated circuit for accurate capacitance-to-digital conversion and sensor-specific correction of capacitive sensor signals. Digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, and temperature drift is accomplished via an internal digital signal processor running a correction algorithm with calibration coefficients stored in a non-volatile EEPROM.
◾ Maximum target input capacitance: 260pF
◾ Sampling rates as fast as 0.7ms at 8-bit resolution; 1.6ms at
10-bit; 5.0ms at 12-bit; 18.5ms at 14-bit
◾ Digital compensation of sensor: piece-wise 1st and 2nd order
sensor compensation or up to 3rd order single-region sensor
◾ Digital compensation of 1st and 2nd order temperature gain
and offset drift
◾ Internal temperature compensation reference (no external
◾ Programmable capacitance span and offset
◾ Layout customized for die-die bonding with sensor for lowcost, high-density chip-on-board assembly
◾ Accuracy as high as ±0.25% FSO at -40°C to 125°C, 3V, 5V,
Vsupply ±10% (see data sheet section 5 for restrictions)
◾ Minimized calibration costs: no laser trimming, one-pass
calibration using a digital interface
◾ Wide capacitance range to support a broad portfolio of
different sensor elements
◾ Excellent for low-power battery applications
◾ I2C or SPI interface—easy connection to a microcontroller
◾ PDM outputs (Filtered Analog Ratiometric) for both
capacitance and temperature
◾ Up to two alarms that can act as full push-pull or open-drain
◾ Supply voltage: 2.3V to 5.5V
◾ Typical current consumption 750μA down to 60μA depending
on configuration
◾ Typical Sleep Mode current: ≤ 1μA at 85°C
◾ Operation temperature: –40°C to +125°C depending on part
◾ Die or 4.4 x 5.0 mm 14-TSSOP package