Xecom’s XE2420G offers unprecedented design flexibility. It provides a global common communications solution in the smallest available package. The XE2420G fits a standard 68-Pin PLCC socket and can be socketed or soldered onto the board in an automated assembly process. The XE2420G allows incorporation of a dial-up access where no other modem will fit.
* Small Size: The HyPLCC™ measures less than 1 inch by 1 inch square and 0.350 inches thick
* Surface-mountable: The HyPLCC™ package is equivalent to a 68-Pin PLCC device.
* Data transfer from 300 to 2400 BPS using V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103 Protocols
* Modem Control and Configuration via industry standard AT Commands.
* Supports V.42 and MNP error correction;
* Complete integrated solid-state DAA includes, Ring Detect, Loop Current Holding Circuit, Hook Switch and Metallic Surge Protection;
* User Transferrable FCC Part 68 Registration
* Complies with telephone networks around the world.
* UL60950 Recognition
* Handset Interrupt detects parallel telephone pick -up
* Low Power operation, typically less than 100 mW, includes automatic sleep mode and power down operation;