VSC8601 데이터시트 - Vitesse Semiconductor

Vitesse Semiconductor
General Description
Designed for high-performance, low-power, and low-cost Gigabit Ethernet, the VSC8601 and VSC8641 are the industry’s lowest-power and most highly integrated Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) PHYs. The VSC8601 is optimized for Gigabit LAN on Motherboard (GLOM) and Gigabit Ethernet switch applications, while the VSC8641 is optimized for Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GE-PON) applications.
• LAN-on-Motherboards, mobile PCs, and single-port RGMII applications
• Broadband CPE and wireless routers
• Gigabit Ethernet SAN, NAS, and MAN systems
• iSCSI and TOE applications
• Network-enabled devices such as printers, IP phones, and gaming appliances
• ATCA™ 3.0 and PICMG™ 2.16 Ethernet backplane applications
• GE-PON physical media dependent device (VSC8641)
Quad Port 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY with RGMII / RTBI MAC Interfaces
Vitesse Semiconductor
Quad Port 10/100/1000BASE-T and 1000BASE-X PHY with RGMII and RTBI MAC Interfaces
Vitesse Semiconductor
Single Port 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY and 1000BASE-X PHY with SGMII, SerDes, GMII, MII, TBI, RGMII / RTBI MAC Interfaces
Vitesse Semiconductor
10/100/1000BASE-T PHY with SGMII and SerDes MAC Interfaces
Vitesse Semiconductor
Quad-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY with Synchronous Ethernet and QSGMII/SGMII MAC
Microsemi Corporation
Quad-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY with Synchronous Ethernet and QSGMII/SGMII MAC
Microsemi Corporation
10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY
Teridian Semiconductor Corporation
10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY
Maxim Integrated
Quad Port 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY with R/GMII, R/TBI Interfaces
Vitesse Semiconductor
Integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC + PHY