Cirrus Logic
The VRE3025 is a low cost, high precision +2.5 V reference that operates from +10 V. The device features a buried zener for low noise and excellent long term stability. Packaged in either an 8-pin DIP or SMT option, the device is ideal for high resolution data conversion systems.
The device provides ultrastable +2.5 V output with ±0.25 mV (.01%) initial accuracy and a temperature coefficient of 0.6 ppm/ºC. This improvement in accuracy is made possible by a unique, patented multipoint laser compensation technique. Significant improve ments have been made in other performance parameters as well, including initial accuracy, warm-up drift, line regulation, and long-term stability, making the VRE3025 series the most accurate reference available.
♦ +2.5 V Output, ± 0.25 mV (.01%)
♦ Temperature Drift: 0.6 ppm/ºc
♦ Low Noise: 1.5 μVP-P (0.1Hz-10Hz)
♦ Low Thermal Hysteresis: 1 ppm Typical
♦ ±15 mA Output Source and Sink Current
♦ Excellent Line Regulation: 5 ppm/V Typical
♦ Optional Noise Reduction and Voltage Trim
♦ Industry Standard Pinout: 8-pin DIP or Surface Mount Package
The VRE3025 is recommended for use as a reference for 14, 16, or 18 bit data converters which require an external precision reference. The device is also ideal for calibrating scale factor on high resolution data converters. The VRE3025 offers superior performance over monolithic references.