NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPG2024TQ is a GaAs MMIC DPDT switch for 5 GHz band wireless LAN. Low insertion loss and high handling power contribute to users system design.
• Operating frequency : f = 4.8 to 5.85 GHz
• Low insertion loss : LINS = 1.2 dB TYP. @ f = 4.8 to 5.85 GHz
• Handling power : Pin (0.1 dB) = +32 dBm TYP. @ f = 4.8 to 5.85 GHz
• Control voltage : Vcont = +2.8 V/0 V TYP.
• High isolation : ISL (between TX and RX) = 30 dB TYP. @ f = 5.2 GHz
ISL (between ANT1/2 and RX/TX) = 25 dB TYP. @ f = 5.2 GHz
• Input/output return loss : RLin/RLout = 20 dB TYP. @ f= 4.8 to 5.85 GHz
• Switching speed : tSW = 20 ns TYP. @ tRISE/tFALL (10/90% RF)
• High-density surface mounting : 10-pin plastic TSON package (2.30 × 2.55 × 0.60 mm)
• 5 GHz band wireless LAN (IEEE802.11a)