NEC => Renesas Technology
The compact-disc player market is now mature, in fact saturated, in the home audio and portable fields. However, this is not the case in the automobile field, where the market is expected to grow at a rate of about 10% annually. The most recent player systems are required to offer high cost performance as well as be space saving by reducing the number of components.
Especially in the field of automobiles, a compact disc player needs to be as small as possible because it must coexist with other equipment such as a mini-disc player and an in-dash TV in a limited space. The singlechip LSI for CD, µPD63710, to be introduced in this article has been developed to satisfy these requirements.
The µPD63710 integrates the functions necessary for a compact disc player on a single chip, and in addition to existingproduct specifications, contains an RF amplifier and its peripheral components to enhance system integration. As a result, this LSI can reduce the number of external components, helping to create a small and cost-effective system (Fig. 1).