NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPD17134A subseries is a 4-bit single-chip microcontroller employing the 17K architecture and containing an 8-bit A/D converter (4 channels), a timer (3 channels), an AC zero cross detector, a power-on reset circuit, and a serial interface.
The µPD17P136A and 17P137A are the one-time PROM version of the µPD17136A and 17137A, respectively, and are suitable for program evaluation at system development and for small-scale production.
The following are features of the µPD17134A subseries.
• 17K architecture: general-purpose register mode, instruction length: fixed to 16 bits
• Instruction execution time: 2 µs (fX = 8 MHz, ceramic oscillation)
8 µs (fCC = 2 MHz, RC oscillation)
• Program memory: µPD17134A : 2K bytes (1024 × 16 bits)
µPD17135A : 2K bytes (1024 × 16 bits)
µPD17136A : 4K bytes (2048 × 16 bits)
µPD17137A : 4K bytes (2048 × 16 bits)
µPD17P136A : 4K bytes (2048 × 16 bits, one-time PROM)
µPD17P137A : 4K bytes (2048 × 16 bits, one-time PROM)
• Data memory (RAM): 112 × 4 bits
• A/D converter: 4 channels (8-bit resolution, successive approximation type)
• Timer: 3 channels (8-bit timer/counter × 2 channels, basic interval timerNote)
• Serial interface: 1 channel (clocked 3-wire mode)
• Supply voltage: VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V (fX = 400 kHz to 8 MHz)
VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V (fX = 400 kHz to 4 MHz)
VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V (fCC = 400 kHz to 2 MHz) for µPD17134A and 17136A
These features of the µPD17134A subseries are suitable for use as a controller or a slave device in the following application fields;
• Electronic thermos bottle
• Rice cooker
• Audio equipment
• Battery charger
• Printer
• Plain Paper Copier