NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPC2747TB, µPC2748TB are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as amplifier for mobile communications. These ICs are packaged in super minimold package which is smaller than conventional minimold.
The µPC2747TB, µPC2748TB have compatible pin connections and performance to µPC2747T, µPC2748T of conventional minimold version. So, in the case of reducing your system size, µPC2747TB, µPC2748TB are suitable to replace from µPC2747T, µPC2748T.
These ICs are manufactured using NEC’s 20 GHz fT NESAT™ lll silicon bipolar process. This process uses silicon nitride passivation film and gold electrodes. These materials can protect chip surface from external pollution and prevent corrosion/migration. Thus, these ICs have excellent performance, uniformity and reliability.
• High-density surface mounting :
6-pin super minimold package
• Supply voltage : VCC = 2.7 to 3.3 V
• Noise figure
: µPC2747TB ; NF = 3.3 dB TYP. @ f = 900 MHz
: µPC2748TB ; NF = 2.8 dB TYP. @ f = 900 MHz
• Upper limit operating frequency
: µPC2747TB ; fu = 1.8 GHz TYP.
: µPC2748TB ; fu = 1.5 GHz TYP.
• Buffer amplifiers for mobile telephones, etc. (PDC800M, GSM)