Philips Electronics
The TDA9874H is a single-chip Digital TV Sound Demodulator/Decoder (DTVSD1) for analog and digital multi-channel sound systems in TV/VCR sets and satellite receivers.
• SIF input switch e.g. to select between terrestrial TV SIF and SAT SIF sources
• SIF AGC with 21 dB control range
• SIF 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
• DQPSK demodulation for different standards, simultaneously with 1-channel FM demodulation
• NICAM decoding (B/G, I and L standard)
• Two-carrier multi-standard FM demodulation (B/G, D/K and M standard)
• Decoding for three analog multi-channel systems (A2, A2+ and A2*) and satellite sound
• Adaptive de-emphasis for satellite
• Programmable identification (B/G, D/K and M standard) and different identification times
• Optional AM demodulation for system L, simultaneously with NICAM
• Monitor selection for FM/AM demodulator outputs and FM and NICAM signals
• Digital crossbar switch
• I2S serial audio output with matrix, level adjust and mute
• Dual audio Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) from digital crossbar switch to analog crossbar switch, bandwidth 15 kHz
• Analog crossbar switch with inputs for mono and stereo
• Output selection of mono, stereo, dual, dual A or dual B
• 20 kHz bandwidth for analog path
• Standby mode.