Philips Electronics
The TDA8417 is a processor of stereo/dual language signals (B/G-standard) for stereo sound television receivers and VTRs, using the switched-capacitor technique. The AF signals at the TDA8417 inputs must be “(L+R)/2” or “language A” on one channel and “R” or “language B” on the second channel (where L = left and R = right). The carrier frequency of the second channel is also modulated by an identification signal (stereo or dual sound). The device is controlled by a microcomputer via the two-line, bidirectional I2C-bus.
• Use of the switched-capacitor technique for signal processing
• Small amount of peripheral components
• Integrated anti-aliasing filters
• Low distortion AF signal handling
• Integrated de-emphasis with a time constant of 50 µs
• Two general purpose output ports
• Full ESD protection