Philips Electronics
The TDA4886 is a monolithic integrated RGB pre-amplifier for colour monitor systems (e.g. 15" and 17") with I2C-bus control and OSD. In addition to bus control, beam current limiting and contrast modulation are possible. The signals are amplified in order to drive commonly used video modules or discrete solutions. Individual black level control with negative feedback from the cathode (DC coupling) or gradually adaptable black level control with positive feedback and 3 DAC outputs for external cut-off control (AC coupling) is possible.
• 140 MHz pixel rate
• 3.2 ns rise time, 4 ns fall time
• I2C-bus control
• I2C-bus data buffer for synchronization of adjustments
• Grey scale tracking
• On Screen Display (OSD) mixing with 50 MHz pixel rate
• OSD contrast
• Negative feedback for DC-coupled cathodes
• Especially for AC-coupled cathodes
– Black level adaptable to kind of post amplifier
– Internal positive feedback
– DAC outputs for black level restoration.
• Integrated black level storage capacitors
• Beam current limiting
• Subcontrast/contrast modulation
• Pedestal blanking
• Sync clipping.