The TC58FVT641/B641 is a 67,108,864-bit, 3.0-V read-only electrically erasable and programmable flash memory organized as 8,388,608 words × 8 bits or as 4,194,304 words × 16 bits. The TC58FVT641/B641 features commands for Read, Program and Erase operations to allow easy interfacing with microprocessors. The commands are based on the JEDEC standard. The Program and Erase operations are automatically executed in the chip. The TC58FVT641/B641 also features a Simultaneous Read/Write operation so that data can be read during a Write or Erase operation.
• Power supply voltage
VDD = 2.7 V~3.6 V
• Operating temperature
Ta = −40°C~85°C
• Organization
8M × 8 bits / 4M × 16 bits
• Functions
Simultaneous Read/Write
Auto Program, Auto Erase
Fast Program Mode / Acceleration Mode
Program Suspend/Resume
Erase Suspend/Resume
data polling / Toggle bit
block protection, boot block protection
Automatic Sleep, support for hidden ROM area
common flash memory interface (CFI)
Byte/Word Modes
• Block erase architecture
8 × 8 Kbytes / 127 × 64 Kbytes
• Boot block architecture
TC58FVT641FT/XB: top boot block
TC58FVB641FT/XB: bottom boot block
• Mode control
Compatible with JEDEC standard commands
• Erase/Program cycles
105 cycles typ.
• Access time
70 ns (CL: 30 pF)
100 ns (CL: 100 pF)
• Power consumption
10 µA (Standby)
30 mA (Read operation)
15 mA (Program/Erase operations)
• Package
TSOPI48-P-1220-0.50 (weight: 0.52 g)
P-TFBGA63-0911-0.80AZ (Weight: TBD)