TelCom Semiconductor Inc => Microchip
The TC4423/4424/4425 are higher output current versions of the new TC4426/4427/4428 buffer/drivers, which, in
turn, are improved versions of the earlier TC426/427/428 series. All three families are pin-compatible. The TC4423/
4424/4425 drivers are capable of giving reliable service in far more demanding electrical environments than their antecedents.
■ High Peak Output Current .................................. 3A
■ Wide Operating Range .......................... 4.5V to 18V
■ High Capacitive Load
Drive Capability .......................... 1800pF in 25nsec
■ Short Delay Times ............................. <40nsec Typ.
■ Matched Rise/Fall Times
■ Low Supply Current
— With Logic "1" Input ................................. 3.5mA
— With Logic "0" Input ................................. 350µA
■ Low Output Impedance ............................ 3.5Ω Typ.
■ Latch-Up Protected ..Will Withstand 1.5A Reverse Current
■ Logic Input Will Withstand Negative Swing Up to 5V
■ ESD Protected .....................................................4kV
■ Pinouts Same as TC1426/27/28; TC4426/27/28