STK73902 데이터시트 - Inchange Semiconductor

Inchange Semiconductor
Self-excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator
﹒Power MOSFET devices
﹒Feedback control for high outputvoltage precision
﹒Driver circuit on-chip
﹒Overcurrent protection circuit on-chip
﹒Pin compatible with all other devices in the same series of devices with 110 to 280W power ratings
﹒Higher oscillator frequency allows the use of smaller pulse transformers
﹒CRT/CTV power supplies
﹒Office automation equipment power supplies
Self-Excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator
Sharp Electronics
Self-Excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator(180W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator
Inchange Semiconductor
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator (145W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator (145W Output) ( Rev : 1999 )
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator(110W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated (World Spec.) Switching Regulator (110W Output) ( Rev : 1999 )
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-excitation type semi-regulated (word spec.) switching regulator (210W output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated (World Spec.) Switching Regulator (110W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Full-Mold, Separate Excitation Switching Type
Sanken Electric co.,ltd.