Microsemi Corporation
This monolithic integrated circuit contains all the functions necessary to monitor and control the output of a sophisticated power supply system. Over-voltage (O.V.) sensing with provision to trigger an external SCR “crowbar” shutdown; an under-voltage (U.V.) circuit which can be used to monitor either the output or to sample the input line voltage; and a third op amp/comparator usable for current sensing (C.L.) are all included in this IC, together with an independent, accurate reference generator.
• Over-voltage, under-voltage, and current sensing circuits all included
• Reference voltage trimmed to 1% accuracy
• SCR "Crowbar" drive of 300mA
• Programmable time delays
• Open-collector outputs and remote activation capability
• Total standby current less than 10mA
♦ Available to MIL-STD-883 and DESC SMD
♦ LMI level "S" processing avail able