Vishay Semiconductors
The SFH618A (DIP) and SFH6186 (SMD) feature a high current transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. These couplers have a GaAs infrared diode emitter, which is optically coupled to silicon planar phototransistor detector, and is incorporated in a plastic DIP-4 or SMD package.
The coupling devices are designed for signal transmission between two electrically separated circuits.The couplers are end-stackable with 2.54 mm lead spacing. Creepage and clearance distances of > 8 mm achieved with option 6.
• Good CTR linearity depending on forward current
• Low CTR degradation
• High collector emitter voltage, VCEO = 55 V
• Isolation test voltage, 5300 VRMS
• Low coupling capacitance
• End stackable, 0.100" (2.54 mm) spacing
• High common mode transient immunity
• Material categorization: For definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912
• Telecom
• Industrial controls
• Battery powered equipment
• Office machines