The AUK 60C32/P 60C52/P is a high-performance micro controller fabricated with AUK high-density CMOS technology. The AUK CMOS technology combines the high speed and density characteristics of MOS with the low power attributes of CMOS.
The 60C52 contains a 8K×8 ROM, a 256×8 RAM, 32 I/O lines, three 16bit counter/timers, a six sourc two-priority level nested interrupt structure, a serial I/O port for either multiprocessor communication, I/O expansion or full duplex UART, and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits.
• 8-bit CPU optimized for control applications.
• MCS-51 fully compatible instruction set
• Pin-to-pin compatible with intels 80C52/80C32.
• ONCETM (ON-circuit emulation) mode
• 256 Bytes of on-chip data RAM.
• Power control modes
• 60C52 low power CPU only.
-Idle mode
• 32 programmable I/O lines.
-Power down mode
• Three 16bit timer/counters.
• 6 interrupt source
• TTL and CMOS compatible logic levels
• 64K external program memory space and data memory space.