Seiko Epson Corp
The S1C17611 is a 16-bit MCU featuring high-speed low-power operations, compact dimensions, wide address space and on-chip ICE. A/D converter and R/F converter are built in and sensor of various analog I/F can be connected. It is suitable for the application of health care product, sports watch and meter module etc. with sensor that is required a small size and micro display in the battery driven.
● Low Power MCU(operating voltage 1.8V, 0.75uA/SLEEP, 2.5μA/HALT)
● Flash memory(32KByte), 8.2MHz high speed operating at 1.8V power voltage
● LCD driver: max 12 segment, 8seg x 8com or 12seg x 4com
● Analog I/F: A /D converter(INL/DNL Max. 1.5LSB), R/F converter
● RISC CPU core S1C17: the compact code optimized for C, and high
throughput of an instruction / clock, supports serial ICE