Microchip Technology
The rfPIC12C509AG/509AF from Microchip Technology is a low-cost, high performance, 8-bit, fully static, EPROM-based CMOS microcontroller combined with a UHF ASK/FSK transmitter. It employs a RISC architecture with only 33 single word/single cycle instructions. All instructions are single cycle (1 µs) except for program branches which take two cycles. The 12-bit wide instructions are highly symmetrical resulting in 2:1 code compression over other 8-bit microcontrollers in its class. The easy to use and easy to remember instruction set reduces development time significantly.
High-Performance RISC CPU:
• Only 33 single word instructions to learn
• All instructions are single cycle (1 µs) except for program branches which are two-cycle
• Operating speed: DC - 4 MHz clock input DC - 1 µs instruction cycle
• 12-bit wide instructions
• 8-bit wide data path
• Seven special function hardware registers
• Two-level deep hardware stack
• Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes for data and instructions
• Internal 4 MHz RC oscillator with programmable calibration (independent from transmitter quartz crystal reference)
• In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™)
Peripheral Features:
• 8-bit real time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler
• Power-On Reset (POR)
• Device Reset Timer (DRT)
• Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
• Programmable code-protection
• Power saving SLEEP mode
• Wake-up from SLEEP on pin change
• Internal weak pull-ups on I/O pins
• Internal pull-up on MCLR pin
• Selectable oscillator options:
- INTRC: Internal 4 MHz RC oscillator
- EXTRC: External low-cost RC oscillator
- XT: Standard crystal/resonator
- LP: Power saving, low frequency crystal
UHF ASK/FSK Transmitter:
• Conforms to US FCC Part 15.231 regulations and European ERC 70-03E and EN 300 220-1 requirements
• VCO phase locked to quartz crystal reference; allows narrow band receivers to be used to maximize range and interference immunity
• Integrated crystal oscillator and VCO requiring minimum of external components
• Crystal frequency divide by 4 available (CLKOUT)
• Frequency range set by crystal: 310 – 480 MHz
• ASK Data rate: 0 – 40 Kbps
• FSK through crystal pulling allows modulation at 0 – 20 Kbps
• Adjustable output power: +2 dBm to -12 dBm in six discrete steps
• Differential output configurable for single or double ended loop antenna
• Power amplifier automatically disabled until after PLL lock
CMOS Technology:
• Low power, high speed CMOS EPROM technology
• Fully static design
• Wide operating voltage range
• Wide temperature range:
- Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
• PICmicro® MCU power consumption:
- < 2 mA @ 5V, 4 MHz
- 15 µA typical @ 3V, 32 KHz
- < 1 µA typical standby current
• Transmitter power consumption: (depending on power selection)
- 4.8 mA to 11.5 mA @ 3V
- <1 µA typical standby current