Powerex IGBT Hermetic modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each Module consists of two IGBT transistors in a half bridge configuration with each transistor having a reverse connected super fast recovery free wheel diode. All components are located in a hermetically sealed chamber and are electrically isolated from the heat sinking base plate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management.
♦ Low Drive Power
♦ Low VCE(sat)
♦ Discrete Super-Fast Recovery (70ns) Free-Wheel Diode
♦ Isolated Base plate for Easy Heat sinking
♦ Fully Hermetic Package
♦ Package Design Capable of Use at High Altitudes
♦ Package can be modified to adhere to customer dimensions.
♦ D1 sized to match RM400HA
♦ AC Motor Control
♦ Motion/Servo Control
♦ Air Craft Applications