PD78F9232CS 데이터시트 - Renesas Electronics

Renesas Electronics
The µ PD78F9232CS, 78F9234CS are 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers of the 78K0S microcontrollers.
These microcontrollers feature Single-voltage Self-programming Flash memory and many peripherals.
○ Minimum instruction execution time selectable from high speed (0.2 µs) to low speed (3.2 µs) (with CPU clock of 10 MHz)
○ General-purpose registers: 8 bits × 8 registers
○ ROM and RAM capacities
○ On-chip power-on clear (POC) circuit and low voltage detector (LVI)
○ On-chip watchdog timer (operable on internal low-speed internal oscillator clock)
○ I/O ports: 26
○ Timer: 4 channels
• 16-bit timer/event counter: 1 channel
• 8-bit timer: 2 channels
• Watchdog timer: 1 channel
○ Serial interface: UART (LIN (Local Interconnect Network) bus supported) 1 channel
○ Multiplier: 8 bits × 8 bits = 16 bits
○ 10-bit resolution A/D converter: 4 channels
○ Supply voltage: VDD = 2.0 to 5.5 VNote
○ Operating temperature range: TA = −40 to +85°C