NTE Electronics
The NTE927 is a two–stage, differential input, differential output, wide–band video amplifier. The use of internal series–shunt feedback gives wide band bandwidth with low phase distortion and high gain stability. Emitter–follower outputs provide a high current drive, low impedance capability. Its 120MHz bandwidth and selectable gains of 10, 100, and 400, without need for frequency compensation, make it a very useful circuit for memory element drivers, pulse amplifiers, and wide band gain stages.
● 120MHz Bandwidth
● 250kΩ Input Resistance
● No Frequency Compensation Required
● Selectable Gains of 10, 100 and 400
● High Common Mode Rejection Ratio at High Frequencies
● Magnetic Tape Systems
● Disk File Memories
● Thin and Thick Film Memories
● Woven and Plated Wire Memories
● Wide Band Video Amplifiers